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    buying and selling PUBG MOBILE accountbuying and selling PUBG MOBILE accountbuying and selling PUBG MOBILE accountbuying and selling PUBG MOBILE account
    account unavailableUnavailable Pubg Mobile Accountaccount unavailable
    Account ID: 13811
    Date of account: 2023-04-01 04:36:57
    Level: 69
    Name Pubg Mobile Account: 『Leo Nima』
    Account Rank: Diamond
    UC Amount: 185
    Elite seasons: 10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19
    Max seasons: 11/12/13/14/16/17/18/
    Description of special skins: Carlo's mythic dress and mask and his dance
    The first link: Google
    The second link: Not Synced
    E-mail link: Not Synced
    Region: Global
    ▫️Number of Coins: 73000 ▪️Number of Clan Points: 4000 ▫️Number of UC: 185 Tyusi but it is Prime Plus and Elite has 600 Tyusi until the end of the season ▪️Silver: 6500 ▫️Starting the game from Season: 10 ▪️Rpy hundred seasons: 11 to 18 ▫️Elite Seasons : 10_11_12_13_14_15_16_17_18_19 ▪️RP season now: 62 ▫️Available characters   level: Bird Max Victormax_Saramax_Andy Max ▪️Current cup status: Diamond ▫️ID card: 2 ▫️Important items🔥
     🔥victor lvl 4🔥
    🔥Akm dragon lvl 2🔥
     Jeep upgrade level 2
     🔥Mictic Marko's dress and mask🔥
     Additional description: It has 2 gun material and car material 💥 Mythic Marko costume with a mask that I got for 8 kayos 💥 30 challenge bonus cards that can be used to get a yosi with them 💥 Wachter clothes and dragon head that I got cheaply 💥 Dance and frame and crow scythe 💥 Mask and umbrella on the back of the bag KONG, which I bought new 💥 3 slots and 3 TV slots 💥 Turkish and Korean voice 💥 prime plus 💥 300 ka chicken 💥 10 hot titles 💥 2 7-day room cards and 7 one-day room cards 💥 and many other special clothes and skins 💥
    Price: Do you have a discount code? 222 EUR
    account unavailableUnavailable Pubg Mobile Accountaccount unavailable