Account level: 150 Account region: Iran 🇮🇷 🔱 The highest multi rank: Legendary 🔱 The highest rank of Battle Royale: Legendary C amount: 19000 💵 Cp amount: 40 Linked on Activision (single save) ✅ Contains Battle Pass Seasons 8 old to 11 new (all Battle Passes Max) ❗️Shogun (kuromaku) ⚜️ gun legend ak-47 kurumaku⚜️ 1 legend gun, 121 epic guns, 14 epic pistols, 28 epic meli (knives) (battle pass, round, event and rank), ♨️ 102 epic skins 💯 The highest battle rank: Legendary 💢 The highest multi rank: Legendary Round skins: Shogun Templar-royal night Mace-the armorer Witch doctor Seraph-sicaria Artery Bundles: FIREBREAK ASTRONAUT Toy Soilders Bundle (Reaper Puzzle) Keegan Goblin king (Ruin) ✔️ Ronin skin from Clan War with mask and backpack ✔️Skin merc5-going gold from the game's anniversary innote Both skins are not zombies 🔅 From season 7, I hit every round at least 2 times. I have all the things on the table from the round (bombs, sticks, machine skins, etc.), legendary flash, ✔️ 41 Kalin legend cards, most of them Kal Gerdons ✔️ Kelli Wing Suite and Parachute Epic also has a jet pack ✔️ All charms are legendary, most of which belong to Gerduns ✔️ 8 gold and 4 diamonds All ganache is max, but it has 9000 xp cards that you can max the new guns ✔️ 3 zombie skins (ak117, ak46, kilo) ✔️ Overall avatar frame 🔱 36 epic dances, most of which belong to Gerduns Lucky account, I got the first skin twice and worked hard for it, I completed almost all the events and missions from season 6 until now. I have to sell because I need money, otherwise I would never sell.