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  • account unavailableUnavailable Call Of Duty Accountaccount unavailable
    buying and selling PUBG MOBILE accountbuying and selling PUBG MOBILE accountbuying and selling PUBG MOBILE accountbuying and selling PUBG MOBILE account
    account unavailableUnavailable Call Of Duty Accountaccount unavailable
    Account ID: 28110
    Date of account: 2023-03-31 20:14:02
    Level: 75
    Name Call Of Duty Account: Hosein.Eriko
    Mulitplayer rank: Grand Master 3
    Battle royale rank: -
    Region: هند = 220
    CP number: 0
    Description of special skins: DR-H full round and AK-47 round character
    OS: Call of duty Mobile
    The first link: Activision
    The second link: Not Synced
    Level: 70
    Number of CP: 0
    Number thirty: 106
    🔷 Synced network: Tech Save Activision
    🔷 Account Battle Passes: A half-time battle pass of the Ganzo Halloween season purchased as a bundle of battle passes.
    Region: India
    💵 Price: 750 thousand tomans
    Arch: (has/does not have)
    There is no arch at all
    Lucky account
    One Save Region of India
    Full Round: DR-H Blood Rose
    7000 Sip has been spent
    In the second one, he took the round character of ak-47 - kuromaku
    All account weapons and original weapons have been unlocked up to their original attachments
    Snipe is DL-Q Max
    M13 and Kilo guns are also maxed
    Most weapons go up to level 16
    It has the LOCUS character and snipe from this year's Champion
    3 to round Dance
    1 dance bundle
    1 to Dance Season Ganzo Halloween Battle Pass
    3 rotating profiles
    3 epic cars
    4 epic umbrellas
    2 epic gliders
    9 epic characters
    10 epic songs that Epicam HS has
    7 knives, axes, baseball bats and epic katanas
    There are 9 operator skills in MultiPlayer
    In battle royal, except for 3 skills, the rest of the skills have been purchased
    Multiplayer rank: Grand Master 3
    Battle Royale rank: Pro 4
    Price: Do you have a discount code? 35 EUR
    account unavailableUnavailable Call Of Duty Accountaccount unavailable