Account number: #A2493 Price range: #35m Account level: 67 Number of UCs: 448 Name change card: None Conquered seasons: C5S14 Elite Maxed seasons: M22/A1/A2/A3/ A4/A5 Account links: Facebook/Gmail Popularity or Chicken: 309.51 General description of the account: It is a lucky account Skins and special items: X-suit: 6 Fiore 1 star Marmoris 1 star Silvanus 1 star Avalanche 1 star Poseidon 1 star Stygian Liege 6 star three ultimate sets and one ultimate cover Boxerbolt set Foxy flare set Winter highness set Winter highness cover I got a winter highness ultimate set all its accessories and foxy flare ultimate set I got all its accessories except the mask Car: three Aston cars martin UAZ Aston martin(Dbx707) Coupe Aston martin(valkyire) Mirado Aston martin(Dbs volante) Upgrade buggy: ceratops Blitz Buggy Lvl 2 Pets: 2 1- Snowrascal buddy 2- Arctic wolf with three sets of wolf covers The lab: Faerie luster pan_Lvl 1 Icicle spike ACE 32_Lvl 1 Decisive AKM_Lvl 5 Cryofrost shard UMP45 _Lvl 5 Phanthera prime DBS_ Lvl 1 Circus of screams cross bow _Lvl 1 Beam Blast ACE32 _ Lvl 4 Cadence Maestro M24 Lvl 3 Marine Evolution UMP45 _ Lvl 3 Drakonbane Remnant Machete _ Lvl 3 Silver Guru M416 _ Lvl 5 Soaring Dragon MG3 _ Lvl 4 Gilded Qalaxy MK14_ Lvl 3 Titanium shark KAR98K Lvl1 Icicle MINI14 Lvl 1 Ethereal Emblem UZI _Lvl 4 Mauve Avenger AWM Lvl 4 Glacier AKM Lvl 1 Glacier M416 Lvl 1 A matic lobby: Civilization wonder lobby theme Two matic bags: Frosty snowglobe backpack, Foxy flore backpack, items: three materials, two mini-materials, one matic forge gem, four starforge stons, and twenty-five star fragments